Founder & Executive Director

Nelly’s passion for serving and helping the less privileged began in her early teens. Born and raised in Livingstone, Nelly always found herself drawn to share whatever she had with those who were struggling to make ends meet in her community. Over the years that passion grew stronger as she still continues to help the less privileged in her community through Temple Of Power Church where she is an overseer coordinating charity works with teams within and outside her church. She has a vast experience in working with youths and women in different sectors.

For many years she has hosted and worked with many International youth group/missionaries. Such experiences have given her a deep appreciation for non-profit sectors whose aim is to improve the quality of life for her community. In her capacity as the Director of Operations Nelly brings to the Foundation her many years of experience working with the less privileged who are drawn to her because of her easy cheerful spirit. As  BA Graduate in education Nelly is an advocate of education as a way out of poverty.

Founder & Executive Director
Joyce Williey
"Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution."

Vestibulum turpis massa, molestie eget purus vitae, aliquet consequat ligula. Nulla in ex nibh. In eu ultrices ex. Mauris quis felis egestas, feugiat sapien sed, scelerisque orci. Suspendisse congue sapien eu odio bibendum, ac lacinia odio placerat. Maecenas a metus felis. Vestibulum condimentum sed mauris et tincidunt. Integer vehicula dolor ut lorem blandit aliquam. Nulla id euismod nulla. Sed dignissim tortor commodo nibh rutrum fermentum. Vestibulum eleifend elementum mi, gravida consequat quam venenatis quis.

I lived in this city for 6 months during my volunteering.

Nullam feugiat augue sed nulla gravida, non maximus lacus maximus. Aenean tempor felis rhoncus magna lacinia facilisis. Morbi aliquet sit amet libero vitae ornare. Nunc pharetra quis nulla id sollicitudin. Curabitur posuere aliquet urna, ut gravida quam gravida non. Nunc sed magna vitae mauris tempus volutpat. Integer purus lectus, volutpat ut gravida fringilla, hendrerit ac libero. Quisque lobortis et enim eget congue. Vivamus ultricies, justo eu posuere lobortis, velit sapien consectetur lacus, id dignissim sapien nunc sodales tortor. Aliquam aliquet convallis pretium. Curabitur nec nisl neque. Quisque facilisis sodales velit nec facilisis. Morbi eget eleifend turpis, quis consectetur orci. Vivamus lorem libero, interdum vitae sodales vel, pulvinar sed sapien.

The team of volunteers was inspiring and cool!

Phasellus ac est bibendum, ornare nisl vitae, bibendum ligula. Donec libero elit, euismod eget pellentesque vel, cursus quis sapien. Integer euismod imperdiet ex a lobortis. Donec sit amet mattis felis, in hendrerit dolor. Donec viverra ipsum eu fringilla cursus. Sed eu nunc sem. Vestibulum eu massa vulputate est pharetra facilisis. Duis egestas malesuada eros quis placerat. Proin purus nunc, iaculis sed nulla ac, sollicitudin vehicula leo.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

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